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What is Special Education?

Special Education refers to “specially designed instruction (SDI)” to meet the needs of an exceptional student. The term “exceptional” includes children with a physical, emotional or mental disability.

Special Education supports and services in the Scranton School District include a full continuum of services and are in compliance with federal and state laws. Scranton School District also utilizes resources outside the district  including the Northeastern Intermediate Unit 19, local approved private schools and other state licensed educational

What programs and/or services are available?

Programs are available in the Scranton School District for students with the following disabilities: Learning Disabled, Autistic, Deafness/Hearing Impairment, Emotional Disturbance, Intellectually Disabled, Multiple Disabled, Orthopedic Impairment, Other Health Impaired, Speech/Language Impaired, Traumatic Brain Injured and Visual Impairment including Blindness. Related services are available to assist a student with a disability including transportation, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Orientation and Mobility and Psychological Services.

A student with a disability who is in need of specially designed instruction (SDI) in the Scranton School District is supported by a Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) and an Individualized Education Program (IEP) team. All IEP’s are reviewed and/or revised at least once a year. All student programs are reevaluated every three years per state mandates. Those students with an Intellectual Disability are reevaluated every two years.

Other students with disabilities who do not qualify for supports and services through special education may be provided for as a Protected Handicapped Student under the requirements of section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Chapter 15 of state regulations Title 22. Students with an identifiable disability which limits or prohibits participation in or access to an aspect of the school program can be provided with modifications and adaptations through a Chapter 15 Service Agreement.

What happens if a student is thought to be exceptional?

The law requires a series of procedures to be followed by a school district when assessing potential special education students. Parents have the right to be partners with the school staff in all aspects of that process from the evaluation to the decision over which programs, services and placement procedures are appropriate to meet their child’s needs. The procedure involves a screening process, a multidisciplinary evaluation (MDE), Individualized Education Program (IEP), if appropriate, and Notice of Recommended Educational Placement (NOREP).

Whom do I contact if I have questions and/or concerns?

Parents/Guardians may also contact the Special Education Consult Line through the Pennsylvania Department of Education at 1-800-879-2301 (in state) or (717) 657-5842 (out of state) for information regarding Special Education Regulations.

Further information about Special Education may be accessed through the Pennsylvania Department of Education web site at

Parent Support Group 

The SSD is pleased to announce a support group for parents with exceptional children. These will be held once a month before school board meetings at 5:30pm, starting October 7th. 

The following dates for the meetings are:

October 7th

November 4th

December 3rd

February 3rd

March 3rd

April 7th

May 5th

Parent Support Group Flyer

Access the Special Education Parent Support Group Survey here

Or scan the QR Code 

Parent Survey QR Code


Important Information


Ann Genett
Director of Special Education and Support Services
☎️  (570) 348-3400 - Option 3
📠  (570) 348-3563
Maggie Loughney
Elementary Supervisor of Special Education
☎️  (570) 348-3400 - Option 3
📠  (570) 348-3563
Greg Gianacopoulos
Secondary Supervisor of Special Education
☎️  (570) 348-3400 - Option 3
📠  (570) 348-3695
Michel Hughes
Supervisor of Student Supports and Cyber Programming
☎️  (570) 558-2728 - Option 3
📠  (570) 207-1221
Dennis Engles
Principal - ECA Center Based Program
☎️  (570) 558-2728
📠  (570) 207-1221
Phyllis Zampella
Special Education Transportation and General Information
☎️  (570) 348-3400 - Option 3
📠  (570) 207-0469







High School

  • Reading
  • Math
  • Assistive Technology